
2013 Relational Buddhism Mirror Kiss

Wintercamp Quality Managers, 23/1/13, Putse Hoeve Bergeijk bij Eindhoven
Beste Maurits,
Naar aanleiding van jouw sessie op het wintercamp afgelopen week, had ik toegezegd nog even te reageren. Hieronder mijn ‘review’: De sessie begon met een uitleg en presentatie over meditatie. Het was heerlijk chaotisch maar ook (en misschien juist daardoor wel) dito inspirerend. Van aha naar haha in één uur tijd, een ware prestatie. Maar het had misschien nog sneller gekund. Want ik ben niet zo iemand die meteen allerlei uitleg behoeft. Ik doe en ervaar het liever. Ook omdat ik al het nodige aan workshops en training heb gedaan, maar door omstandigheden de laatste tijd niet meer zelf heb gepraktiseerd. Heerlijk om weer te doen. Ik zat gelijk weer diep weggezakt in mijn stoel. Het terugkomen in het hier en nu ging mij dan ook veel te abrupt. De dood meditatie was verschrikkelijk en tegelijk fascinerend. De voorafgaand geprojecteerde beelden deden mij slikken ook al ben ik wel een en ander gewend. De meditatie zelf viel mee. Het leverde mij op dat ik geen angst voor de dood ervaar, alhoewel het lichaam na uittreding niet echt meer als van mij voelde. Ik voelde het meer als dat van mijn jongere broer die enige tijd geleden plotseling is overleden. De lach meditatie daarna was louterend. Ik bleek toch nog spanning te hebben die weg moest vloeien. Dat kwam er echt uit in lachsalvo’s. Al met al een zinvolle sessie, bizar, maar leerzaam en verrijkend. Bedankt. Met vriendelijke groet, Gerard Berendsen (Twente Quality Centre, Partner van Impact Groep)

Budapest – Mastercourse Psychotherapy by Karma Transformation at the Tan Kapuja Buddhist College
On 22-24/8 we had quite a mixed audience attending the Budapest master course on Psychotherapy by Karma Transformation at the Tan Kapuja Buddhist College, held by Professor Kwee. The topic being both one of psychology and of Buddhism, we had representatives from both sides in a great number. The course was well structured. On the first day we got a very good theoretical background on Relational Buddhism, which was spiced up with a big amount of practice. After lunch we actually did a case study and we applied the method on a brave volunteering lady who was not afraid to come out with some of the things that made her suffer and unhappy.
It was great to see how with the help of Professor Kwee and the advice from the audience the woman was able to solve the problem step by step, getting closer and closer to her own self and developing a nicer, milder self talk than what she was used to. She also got a homework assignment that would help her get rid of the detrimental way of looking at certain situations. The day ended with some group work where we were encouraged to try out Professor Kwee’s ABC method. During the break, I was talking to a smaller group of people and one of the psychologists from that group said that we should volunteer for the analysis because it is a rare occasion to work with someone so professionally advanced.
The second day we started with an open discussion. That little thought started buzzing me from then on, so on this second day I volunteered to be chosen as a subject. What made it easier to come up, besides the encouragement I’ve got, was that I realized I should not be so attached to any image about myself and so I made my way to the white board. I tried my best to describe the situation and my feelings as honestly as possible. Sometimes it got really hard when we got to layers that were too obscure to penetrate, but this just demonstrated to me how deep this apparently simple ABC method can go. All the time I was in front, Professor Kwee and many of the audience were trying to find the best solutions to the problem I was sharing, and it really felt like a great and amazing atmosphere. Everyone was working hard to help and learn. For me too it was really intense and mind changing. Even after I was done and went back to my seat or was hanging out in the breaks, lots of people came to me to congratulate me… although I did nothing but a selfish act of going on the podium, exposing my problem while wanting a solution. Some shared that they had similar problems, other were really kind and compassionate. It was not like anything I have experienced before. The afternoon passed with some more material that included lots of funny visual quick gratifications to which our eyes are so used to, so I instantly felt relaxed as if I was surfing my tumblr or instagram. But all the jokes and funny pictures were in relationship with the subject and were helping in the effort of making the point.
The third day we discussed some open topics and we continued on rehearsing the steps of the ABC. I really felt I gained a really good and thorough understanding of the method and that I would gladly apply it to help other people who would like to try it out. In fact the day after the course I immediately applied it on myself because I had a powerful feeling of anger against someone that I was able to resolve within 30 minutes while jotting down my thoughts on several pages (4,5) following the ABC method. Then I called that person, talked about my feelings, and made up in a nice way. Just imagine the perspective if one day you are able to solve the issue of anger in 30 minutes through this method, the next day, you might do it in your head in 10 and the day after… who knows… maybe it might feel so at ease with your own self that you don’t even allow these kinds of thoughts to interfere in your relationship with yourself and others. At the end of the course, we got the learning experience of how to deconstruct dualism and saw a glimpse of non-dualism. We put it into practice in some group discussions which made us laugh a lot. This was one of the steps towards the idea of emptiness. The next was the laughing therapy, followed by a beautiful smiling meditation that I will for sure practice in the future and of which I became more mindful (or heartful :)). Then came some dancing and singing, and the end. As you can see I love writing, so if you are in a hurry and want a short summary of the course then here it is: AHA and HAHA. – Timea Kengyel, professional @ GBS Change and Controlling Partner @ Celanese  

Budapest – Mastercourse Psychotherapy by Karma Transformation at the Tan Kapuja Buddhist College My Dear Professor, Thank you very much, great! (-: The Budapest course (21-24/8) was for me both professionally and humanly meaningful. Relational Buddhism you thought is important to introduce and the doctrine can be applied in everyday life form. For you and the audience it is a great success. The mainstream mental health in Europe working on the strengthening of personality, in my opinion is wrong… Your method confirmed that there is a better direction. And the humor you emitted throughout is dry and simply brilliant.  Jacint Farkas, M.A. student at Tan Kapuja Buddhist College, Budapest Hungary   


Utrecht – One day seminar Association for Transpersonal Psychiatry

Last Saturday (January 12, 2013), Dr. Maurits Kwee presented a one day seminar/workshop for our Association for Transpersonal Psychiatry. This was highly appreciated by our members. In view of the growing interest in health care for Oriental thought as a supplement of the conventional biological model of the West, Dr. Kwee was able to connect both approaches in a professional and humorous way. His method of integrating Eastern views and Western principles resulted in irresistable acceptance. In my opinion, the insights and understanding as expounded during this day are of great value to health care. Therefore I can without any hesitation recommend his presentations to you.   Sincerely, Kees Aaldijk, Secretary, Association for Transpersonal Psychiatry  


February 4, 2013, Cancún, Quintana Roo, México; Master Luis Castellanos and Master Becky Vela, ConSol Collaborators

For us, to write this paper is a pleasure because it gives us the opportunity to keep in touch with a man who knows about one of the thoughts that we believe can help humanity in these times and in others, also because it helps us remember one of the most beautiful experiences we have had in our community. A few weeks ago Dr. Kwee asking us to write about our experience with the workshop we shared last March 2012 whit him. One can say that this experience can be summarized in three gifts: 1. Being able to be with Dr. Maurits allowed us to know the profound Buddhist wisdom that the cybernetic and systemic thinking have, now we could see and understand Buddhism as a way of life that can be psychotherapeutic, in fact, it can be perfectly manageable in psychotherapy processes. 2. Although Dr. Maurits shared information from a cognitive-behavioral approach (psychotherapy approach that we don´t use for have more affinity with systemic and postmodern ideas), we felt once again, the way that humans put names to things usually create divisions where there are none; it was amazing how we handle similar ideas with different names. 3. Equally amazing was that in this conversation with Maurits we went able to connect with other cultures, with European and Asian cultures, present and past, in the 60’s and in last year, but also with ideas of classical Greece before the Christian era and so many other ideas, and now we’re confident that through these words we’re connecting to other people who we do not know but with whom we connect through Buddhism and social constructionism. Thank you so much Maurits, for share with us your time, experience and knowledge, creating this rhizome that enriched us.

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