The year 2011 is of immense importance to Dhamma practitioners, being the 2600th year of Sambodhiprapti, the Enlightenment of Buddha. Since that momentous turning point in the history of civilization, Buddha’s teachings have become the predominant way of life for people of various nationalities and cultures. Consequently 2011 will see many events taking place all over the world in commemoration.
India is the birthplace of Buddhism, the Dhamma that gave to the world the profound teachings of non-violence, compassion and wisdom as taught by Buddha – teachings which continue to be relevant and, in truth, desperately needed in these much troubled times. In order to commemorate Buddha’s Sambodhiprapti, and deepen our understanding of his teachings while re-emphasizing their relevance in today’s consumer-driven world, the Asoka Mission is organizing a four-day Global Buddhist Congregation from 27 November to 30 November 2011 in New Delhi, India.
Continue reading invitation to the Global Buddhist Congregation in New Delhi, India