December 3 2021 the author of this website, my father, Maurits Kwee passed away. In loving memory. I will post on this site now and than. with metta, Daniel Maurits Kwee (son of Maurits)

I updated the Download page with my latest articles. One for the Psychological Studies published by Springer as the official publication of the national Academy of Psychology in India. The other was written for the International Journal of Pyschotherapy, together with colleague Peter van den Berg. Please have a look here
Recently it was my honour and my pleasure to do a presentation at the Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University. MCU is a University of Thai Sangha established by His Majesty King Chulalongkorn, Rama V as an institute for Tipitaka studies and higher education for Buddhist monks, novices and laypeople. It is the leading center of Buddhist education integrating Buddhism with modern sciences for greater mental and social development.
This university has a strong commitment to be the leading center of various valuable sciences for human beings with the intent to educate people, conduct excellent academic research, and develop and integrate Buddhist knowledge with the various sciences for the development of university’s academic studies.
Buddhism 4.0: A Psychology of Relational Buddhism & A Psychoteraphy By Karma Tranformation
Buddhism 4.0: A Psychology of Relational Buddhism & A Psychoteraphy By Karma Tranformation , Prof. Dr.G.T. Maurits Kwee (Emeritus Hon. Prof.) Faculty Members of the Taos Institute PhD-Program & Founder of the Institute for Relational Buddhism, Netherlands, 5 September 2018, at International Buddhist Studies College Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University Ayutthaya
Geplaatst door MCU IT op Dinsdag 4 september 2018
Buddhism 4.0: A Psychology of Relational Buddhism & A Psychoteraphy By Karma Tranformation
Buddhism 4.0: A Psychology of Relational Buddhism & A Psychoteraphy By Karma Tranformation , Prof. Dr.G.T. Maurits Kwee (Emeritus Hon. Prof.) Faculty Members of the Taos Institute PhD-Program & Founder of the Institute for Relational Buddhism, Netherlands, 5 September 2018, at International Buddhist Studies College Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University Ayutthaya
Geplaatst door MCU IT op Dinsdag 4 september 2018
Since I proposed her to marry me in the public debate, the fire spitting woman (by lack of better poetry) definitely dropped out of my classes with many in my ear creepy sounding excuses to which I consequently said “please feel free, always,” after all Dhamma is a liberation quest. Her copping out turned out to be an outward blessing for the class, no more negative energies around… So, 6 hours to go wherein I contextualize Buddhism as Psychology amid the many study and research specialties like experimental psychology, physiological ps, developmental ps, child ps, environmental ps, cultural ps, health ps, clinical ps, etc and the three main theoretical frameworks: psychoanalysis, humanistic psychology and cognitive behavioral psychology to interprete research findings… On top, I explained, when the ABCDE-Form is stripped off from the Buddhist terminology, a common practice of Rational Emotive Cognitive Behavior Therapy is revealed. Noticing coins of insight and understanding dropping in my students grey matter, next time, if there is any, this might be a better start for students who are unprepaired, i.e. not doing reading the obligatory literature in advance, as Gustaaf already pointed out extensively is usual in a country run by generals.